Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Yummy Procrastination

Tonight, in an effort to hide from yet another snow/rain/ice storm, I am working at home. Or I should say I am trying to work at home. For someone who loves to cook, and has had little time to do so because of this little monkey-on-her-back called master's thesis, this means that the kitchen calls. The quick pesto salmon I had for dinner didn't quite feed the urge. As I type my theory paper, I hear the oven calling to me slowly: "bake...bake...bake...." Finally, I listened, and have made some delicious, warm cornbread. Gluten & dairy free of course, and adapted slightly from the original gluten-free girl's recipe. So crank up the tunes, watch the snow drift in, and snack on something warm & yummy.

[As a note, this is my first post since my stint in Florence. This blog will turn into something, but I am not sure what just yet. So here goes.]